Contributor Manual

Creating a new version

openiti is in constant development.

Before releasing a new version, make sure:

  • changes have been listed in the changelog in the file
  • changes have been adequately tested
  • the version number in openiti.__init__ has been changed to the new number
  • the current state of the openiti github repository has been tagged with the new version::
    $ git tag -a v0.0.3 -m “openiti version 0.0.3”
Test changes made to the library by installing the new version locally:
  1. uninstall the old version::
    $ pip uninstall openiti
  2. install the local version::
    $ pip install -e <>

Generate the version:

  1. navigate to the location of
  2. run the following code to build the version files::
    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
  3. run the following command to upload the new version to PyPi ::
    $ python -m twine upload dist/openiti-<version_number>*
  4. When prompted to enter your username: write __token__
  5. When prompted to enter your password: paste the PyPi token

The new version can now be installed with pip install openiti

You can check the installed version with::
>>> import openiti
>>> openiti.__version__

After creating the new version, add and commit the .whl and .tar.gz files for the new version.